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Awakening in Love

Awakening in the Love by Jose Hidalgo

It has been said by the wise, that true devotion comes in an instant like a lightning bolt’s scorching all that is not real, to then open your heart to the love of God.

After an Astro Zodiac consultation with Omphi and Soham, something arose inside of me that prompted me to ask Soham in our second consultation if he would accept being my Guru (without consciously knowing what this meant) Soham with his beautiful, radiant and contagious smile immediately said, “Of course!, You and I are going to be great friends.”

When we had the opportunity to meet Omphi and Soham in person. Soham and I had the conversation that transformed forever the course of my life, the lightning bolt, and so I awoke in the love of God.

Armed with this magical and unique friendship, I embarked on this incredible, beautiful and unique adventure filled with magnificent experiences, hard lessons, rigorous study, and profound reflection with total dedication, surrender, faith and confidence as devout. Moments so sublime in their complexity, that brought me to my knees, to cry of joy, to laugh of bliss, and to feel compassion deeply in my bones. Conscious that God is love in essence, his love is unselfish, infinite and unconditional, and we are all called to return to him.

The path of Devotion, is the most beautiful and sacred gift I have received in my life, and how beautiful and lovely it is. One day you get up and see everything as if you have never seen it before. The beautiful and serene trees with its lush and green branches, the complex majestic flowers with their sophisticated fragrances and exact geometry, the birds with their elegant feathers signing around us, the immense ocean in its absolute stillness as if I have never submerge in it, the passing floating clouds in the gorgeous blue sky with the scorching Sun always giving us its warmth and wisdom, the whole adorned with a deeply rooted sense of connection within me.

Rediscovering my daily life has been also so wonderful, to always being present, being a better husband and partner to my wife, a better father for my daughters and sons, a better friend and being able to share fully and unhindered, new moment to new moment, always filled with bliss without any adverse thought or any type of preoccupation, taking refuge and living my own life.

I learned to take full responsibility for myself and my actions and the meaning of aligning thought - word - deed.

I learned that the existence can only be existed; and that to exist and be blissful fully we don’t need anything from the outside and that all the answers are and have always being inside of us.

I learned that if you fail Love, “Love more”.

I learned to meditate with severity for the awakening of humanity so they can finally find the Love and Peace they have been longing for so long.

And best of all, I continue learning and sharing!

I wish you all the most wonderful and beautiful journey to self discovery, enjoy it to the max!

Divine Gratitude with the deepest sense of respect and admiration to my beloveds; Soham Guru Ampara Multi, Omphale Devi and my beloved wife and partner Jill Marie, for with her unconditional support and love all has always being possible.

Love and Light,

Om Sri Sai Ram.

Shatriya ParaBhakti

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